L.A. Noire > first impressions

So I have just finished my first couple hours with L.A. Noire. Something I intend to be doing a whole lot more of in the coming weeks, so far? so brilliant.

Firstly, the atmosphere is exactly where you want it, firmly in the realm of film noir and classic detective tales, it feels like there’s something to bite into. I get the impression Phelps is a complex man and I look forward to playing through the rest of his tale. from what I can tell the story is divided out in episodes of game play, cases if you will, with a deliciously 40’s title displayed on screen at the beginning of each one, you go through the motions, listen to and watch the cutscene, start investigating, gather clues, question someone, drive somewhere, chase down a bad guy and interrogate him till he confesses. but this is a routine I could very much get used to, this game wants you to pay attention to detail, from my session the investigating and especially the interrogations are an engaging and nuanced system. In short it’s a stimulating mechanic made all the better by it’s presentation

Yeah, that's Brian Krause and yes it's in-game but it still doesn't do it justice.

Let’s get this straight: L.A. Noire has the best real time facial animation ever implemented. that is all there is to it, accept no substitutes. If you have this game and haven’t done so yet, in the very first case, pick up the newspaper in the alley and watch the first story. The nuance and variation in the animation of the professors face is spell binding, the subtle flexion and sinew of the neck, the creasing forehead, the analytical look in his eyes. I am more impressed by the implementation of the actors performance than the performance itself, the difference in quality here would have been like us going directly from Phonograph to MP3 back in the 1900’s. it’s the most innovative thing I have ever seen, it really needs to be seen in real time to be appreciated, something about the example videos online just don’t cut it.

Also, licensed arms and automobiles? the first patrol car you have access to is a ’47 Ford 4 door Police special, we’re talking American Graffiti here kids, it’s just the sort of authenticity that a game like this needs to succeed. all in all if you’re reading this and haven’t already, go out and buy it, it won’t win over the action lover in you, but if you have any interest in something different that will be a game changer from here on out (pun Intended) you ought to take a look at L.A. Noire


If you happen to own it on PS3 as I do, I suggest you wait for the PSN to come back online before attempting to access the DLC store, as it will lock up your console good and proper. this has been a public service announcement.